Detailed photo of the Grin Scope
Animated text that says 'Whoaaaaaa'

I was so excited about using the Grin App for the first time. When I took my first Grin scan I was amazed by the quality of the pictures. Mind is blown!

Kelly, Grin Patient

Grin just makes things super duper easy. I would definitely prefer to stay home and just take a scan with Grin and send it to my orthodontist as opposed to going into the office.

Emma, Grin Patient

The in-person care is important in the beginning, but once you know what your long-term care is going to look like and what you really need to do, the ability to do things virtually was paramount for me.

Jim, Grin Patient

I have not stepped foot in the orthodontist's office since the consultation and it's been sort of liberating for me.

Kara, Mother of a Grin Patient

Aw, Shucks